A block of rooms has been reserved at a special rate for this workshop at the Argonne Guest House, which is located less than a block from the 401/402 conference center.
Please make your reservation directly with the Guest House or with another hotel in the area.
In order to guarantee your room at the Guest House, you must contact the Guest House with a credit card. Call toll free 1-800-632-8990 (fax number is 630-739-1000). Cancellation policy is 6:00 pm on the day of arrival, unless the reception desk is notified (e.g., in case of flight delays). Check-in time is 3:00 pm; check-out time is noon.
The cut-off date for reservations at the special meeting rate is November 4th; the rate is $75 (single) or $85 (double) plus 6% room occupancy tax.
To receive the workshop rate, mention "DLSR Workshop" when you make your reservation. If you do not receive confirmation of your e-mail or web request, please follow up by telephone.
- Argonne Guest House
- Argonne National Laboratory
- 9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 460
- Argonne, IL 60439
- Reservations: 800.632.8990 or 630.739.6000
- Fax: 630.739.1000
- Web form: Reservations
Additional Hotels
A number of other hotels are located relatively close to Argonne. Many can be found by a search on Lemont, Illinois. No special rates have been established for these hotels, and shuttle transportation will not be provided.